New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but often hard to keep. But there are real benefits to making financial resolutions. Here are some helpful suggestions to get you started.
Get back to basics
If you find it near-impossible to reach your financial goals, you may need to revisit the basics: sticking to a budget. Does temptation usually unravel all your good saving intentions? Consider opening a locked savings account that you can’t deduct money from for a period of time, then automatically transfer funds into it each payday.
Plan for large purchases
Whether you need a new fridge or are considering placing a deposit on a home, the earlier you start planning for these purchases, the more manageable they become.
Set up an investment plan
If you’re considering investing this year, developing a sound investment plan is essential for your success. This may include working with your financial adviser to identify clear financial targets, calculate how much you can afford to invest and determine how much risk you’re willing to take on.
Review insurance policies
Knowing you are properly insured may help provide peace of mind if your circumstances change unexpectedly. But identifying appropriate insurance policies and levels of coverage for your unique situation can be difficult – and getting it wrong is risky. This is why it’s important to regularly review your insurance policies with your financial adviser, especially if your situation changes.
Check your super
If you have multiple superannuation accounts – or have forgotten where your super is – you’re not alone. According to the Australian Taxation Office, there’s $18 billion of lost super waiting to be claimed nationally.[1]
Effectively managing your super is vital for building your retirement nest egg. Contact your financial adviser who may help you manage your super.
Set retirement goals
The earlier you set clear goals for your retirement, the more options you’ll have. Work out what assets you have – from your home to superannuation – and review your current spending patterns, then determine your goals for retirement and what lifestyle you’d like to enjoy. This will help you calculate how much you’ll need.
Create an estate plan
Estate planning involves more than writing a will. It outlines what you want done with your documents, contacts, debts, bills and assets, making the process easier for your beneficiaries after you’ve passed away.
Whatever your financial New Years’ resolution may be, seeking professional advice may help you make it reality this year.
Talk to your adviser
Your adviser can help you ensure your resolutions and finances are sorted for 2018! Please call us to find out more!!!!!!!
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[1] The Sydney Morning Herald, 2017, ‘Almost $18b in lost super waiting to be claimed’. Accessible at: