
Industry vs Retail. It can be a minefield! But professional, qualified advice is quite possibly the best investment you will ever make.


Which is better for you – The correct answer could be either, neither or both.

Meet Mr and Mrs Average. According to the law of averages, if they invest in an average industry super fund, selecting the average investment options, they’d be better off. On the other hand, if they invest in a top performing retail fund they’ll be even better off again – and vice versa. So much for averages.


The fact is, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. What lies beneath the surface matters too. Investment options for example. If you want lots of them, or geared investment options to accelerate growth, then most industry funds are not for you. And what about the constantly changing regulations – making the most of the opportunities they present and avoiding any penalties?

Seeking help

Clearly, there’s a lot to consider. Seeking advice from a professional financial adviser could help you review your options. If you’d prefer a super solution tailored to you, and a partner you can count on to keep it that way, talk to us about adviser-led super.

Contact us

It’s important to understand that Super can feel like it is a complex process that can make or break the kind of lifestyle you want later in life – which is why seeking professional advice can be both critical and beneficial.

Please CONTACT US for an obligation free meeting with one of our experienced advisers.


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Disclaimer: This editorial and the information within, including tax, does not consider your personal circumstances and is general advice only. It has been prepared without taking into account any of your individual objectives, financial solutions or needs. Before acting on this information you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statements and seek personal advice from a qualified financial adviser. The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author; they are not reflective or indicative of Licensee’s position, and are not to be attributed to the Licensee. They cannot be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the author. RI Advice Group Pty Limited ABN 23 001 774 125, AFSL 238429.