Market Wrap – October

Market Wrap – October

Each month we release the Market Wrap that is compiled by our Chief Investment Office (CIO). Please call us to discuss any points which you find of interest!   Global shares maintain momentum Talk surrounding Donald Trump’s proposed tax reforms and solid economic...
Technical Update – Key Person Insurance

Technical Update – Key Person Insurance

It’s not a specific kind of insurance but the application of life insurance to protect a business against key person risk. What is key person insurance? Key person insurance designed to protect a business against the significant impact that the death or illness of an...
Market Wrap – October

Market Wrap – August 2017

Each month we release the Market Wrap that is compiled by our Chief Investment Office (CIO). Please do not hesitate to contact your adviser to discuss any points which you find of interest! Bouncing higher Global share markets rose strongly during July as political...
Market Wrap – October

Market Wrap – July 2017

Each month we release the Market Wrap that is compiled by our Chief Investment Office (CIO). Please do not hesitate to contact your adviser to discuss any points which you find of interest!   Fed raises rates though markets pause Global share markets paused in...
The Budget may make it easier to downsize

The Budget may make it easier to downsize

If you have been contemplating selling the family home but are confused about whether it will have a positive or negative impact on your finances, we can talk you through some proposed changes and how they may be relevant to your individual circumstances. The 2017...