The power of regular investing

The power of regular investing

One of the world’s most admired investors, Warren Buffet, is famous for saying “Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.”   While this approach may not always be possible, even investing just a small amount regularly can make...
Child Trauma Benefit

Child Trauma Benefit

Child trauma insurance is highly emotive and there is no easy way to say it other than – what if one day you needed it? You may not be aware that some insurers offer this very specific cover, so this update provides you with some basic information.   Over...
Things to remember when choosing a beneficiary

Things to remember when choosing a beneficiary

Choosing a beneficiary is usually a simple task, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when you decide.   A beneficiary is the person who will receive your life insurance payment should you pass away. When choosing yours, it’s important to think...
Managing the cost of insurance

Managing the cost of insurance

Life insurance policies don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are tips for making them more affordable.   Cost is a common reason people cite for not having adequate life insurance cover or for cancelling their insurance policies. But you can manage your...
Be retirement ready – plan early

Be retirement ready – plan early

You need to be savvy to build a sufficient nest egg for retirement. Planning is key, and so is getting professional advice.   Most Australians are not saving enough for retirement and risk running out of money sooner than they expect. Data shows that in 2015–16,...